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Restocked. The Birch wein, SAV1785.

Aktualisiert: 6. Mai 2020

A new shipment with sparkling birch wines SAV1785 arrived from Sweden. If you haven't tried this wine, you definitely need to. Its fresh, has a relatively low alcohol level, so it fits perfect for the spring- and summer season. It bubbles light, has notes of pear and of course touches of the forest.

In the glas the wine fascinates with its clearness, and looks pure as water.

We would pair it with all kinds of fish- and see food. You can also match it with Sushi and a Anti-Pasti plate. Or add some frozen forest berries in the glas, for both great look and taste.

We recommend that you cool this wine down to 8-9 degrees. When the wine gets warmer, the aromas will however gets stronger and the bubbles a bit less dominant. It's finally a matter of taste, how you would prefer to serve the birch sparkling wine.

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